School curriculum
Lessons at the European High School go from Monday through Friday; each lesson period lasts 45 minutes and students may follow up to eight periods per day, five in the morning and three after the lunch break, until 16.10.
The course of study comprises two biennial cycles:
the pre-orientation cycle, S4 and S5;
the orientation cycle, S6 and S7.
The curriculum comprises compulsory and optional subjects, hence it can be tailored to the needs and interests of each student.
In the first beiennium the compulsory subjects are:
Mother tongue (L1); Mathematics (4 or 6 periods per week); L2 (English for Italophones, French for Anglophones); L3 (Italian or Spanish for the Anglophone section; French or Spanish for the Italophone Section); Chemistry; Biology; Physics; Geography (in L2); History (in L2); Physical Education; Religion or Ethics.
The Obtional subjects are:
Latin; Economics; Art; Information Technology (IT); Music; L4.
In the orientation cycle, S6 and S7, the level of flexibility of the curriculum increses, as the student can choose the subjects as well as their level of complexity; a few of the subjects, indeed, have different syllabuses depending on the number of weekly periods.
All students’ curricula shall include:
(L1) Mother tongue; L2 (English for Italophones, French for Anglophones); Mathematics (3 or 5 periods per week); One science-related subject: Biology 2 periods per week or any other science-related subject 4 periods among Biology, Chemistry or Physics; History and Geography, 2 or 4 periods per week (in L2); Philosophy, 2 or 4 periods per week; Phisical Education; Ethics or Religion.
A broad array of optional and complementary subjects is available to complete the curriculum, with the possibility to chose the level of complexity, between 2 and 4 period courses:
L3; L4; Economics; Latin; Art; Music; Information Technology (IT); Sociology; Sports
Students can include in their curricula a minimum of 31 up to a maximum of 35 periods per week.
As students will have their own personalized curriculum, there may be periods without lessons in a day, to be dedicated to individual studying, under the surveillance of teaching staff, in the library or in other facilities provided by the school.
Orientamento S4-S5 - Piano di studi.pdf
Orientamento S6 - Piano di studi.pdf